[Physics] Work done by tension


The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

Consider the following arrangement:

Calculate the work done by tension on $2\,\rm kg$ block during its motion on circular track from point $A$ to point $B$.

The attempt at a solution

We know that work done by a force is product of force and displacement.
We know the displacement of point of application as $4\,\rm m$. How to find the work done by the tension as it is not constant it is variable!

2nd attempt (calculus approach)

The $2\,\rm kg$ block moves along the circle, so its speed is $\dfrac{R\mathrm d\theta}{\mathrm dt}$.

It pulls the string, the length of the string between point $O$ and the block can we obtained with simple geometry at any position $\theta$ (ignoring the size of the pulley). The total length of the string is unchanged, so the speed of the $1\,\rm kg$ block is $\frac{\mathrm dL}{\mathrm dt}$.

I'm looking for help after this.

Best Answer

Work done by tension on BOTH the blocks can be regarded as 0. This can be said by the Virtual Work Method.

The virtual work method:

Consider that block 1(mass $2kg$) displaces by a certain $d\vec{s_1}$. Infinitesimal work done on the block 1 by tension will be given by $$dW_1 = \vec T.d\vec s_1=Tds_1\cos\theta_1$$ Similarly, for block 2 we can say that $$dW_2=\vec T.d\vec s_2=Tds_2\cos\theta_2$$

Using string constraint, we can say that displacement of each block along the string is zero(because the string is inextensible). So we get $$ds_1\cos\theta_1+ds_2\cos\theta_2=0$$ Notice that I have used the same $\theta$ for each block as in tension because the direction along the string is the direction along tension vector.
Net work done by tension thus becomes $$dW_T=T(ds_1\cos\theta_1+ds_2\cos\theta_2)$$ $$\therefore dW_T=0$$ $$W_T=0$$

The solution to the actual problem:

If we apply $W=\Delta K$ on the system of the two blocks from initial position to the final position where block 1 is at the bottom of the cicrular arc,we get $$m_1g\Delta h_1+m_2g\Delta h_2=\frac 12 m_1 v_1^2+\frac 12 m_2 v_2^2$$ I do not include work done by tension on the system because i proved it to be 0.

We now need to find a relation between $v_1$ and $v_2$. We can do this by applying string constraint. $$v_1\cos\theta=v_2$$ where $\cos\theta=\frac 35$(by geometry). $$\therefore \frac 35 v_1 = v_2$$ Substituting $v_2$ in terms of $v_1$ in the above equation, we can find $v_1$.
Then applying $W=\Delta K$ on block 1 only we get $$W_T + W_{gravity} = \frac 12 m_1v_1^2$$ Substitute $W_{gravity}$ and $v_1$ in this equation and find $W_T$.

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