[Physics] Work Done by an Adiabatic Expansion


I am given the information that a parcel of air expands adiabatically (no exchange of heat between parcel and its surroundings) to five times its original volume, and its initial temperature is 20° C. Using this information, how can I determine the amount of work done by the parcel on its surroundings?

I know that $dq = 0$, and that $du + dW = dq = 0$, but I don't know what to do with this information. $dW = pdV$, which seems like it should be helpful, but I don't know what to do for the pressure.

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This is harder then the isobaric process because now the pressure is a function of volume. You need to write the pressure as a function of volume, then integrate it from the initial to final volume. For some clues see the Wikipedia article on adiabatic expansion. Although the question doesn't say so, you'll need to assume the expansion is reversible as the question can't be answered otherwise.

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