[Physics] Work done by a gas


In the expression for work done by a gas,
$$W=\int P \,\mathrm{d}V,$$
aren't we supposed to use internal pressure?

Moreover work done by gas is the work done by the force exerted by the gas, but everywhere I find people using external pressure instead of internal pressure.

Best Answer

The work done by an expanding gas is the energy transferred to its surroundings. In effect, as the gas expands it is compressing its surroundings so the work done is the force exerted on the surroundings (i.e. the pressure of the surroundings times the area) times the distance moved.

The extreme case of this is a Joule expansion where a gas expands into a vacuum i.e. the pressure of the surroundings is zero. In this case the expanding gas does no work regardless of the initial pressure of the gas.

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