[Physics] Will heating a laser beam affect it


I conducted an experiment today. I heated a laser beam by shining it through a piece of 1/2 inch copper pipe about 10 inches long. I then heated the pipe until most of it was glowing red. The beam exited the pipe and traveled to a solar cell where I measured its voltage. The voltage and the beam's image were not affected by the heated pipe. There were similar readings for both hot and room temperature. My question is has anyone tried this with more heat and with different results? I know light can heat things, but can light be heated. The purpose of the experiment was simply to gain greater understanding as to the nature of light.
enter image description here

Best Answer

In principle, the scattering of photons off the gas molecules of the flame can carry away heat in some circumstances (this is for example used in laser cooling). If the transition frequencies of the atoms is close to the laser frequency, photons can carry away momentum.

But your laser is such an open system that any scattering of photons off the hot gas molecules of the flame probably just dissipates the heat in all directions. It makes no sense then, to talk about an ensemble of photons with a temperature. If you were to collect some photons, say by shining them into a high-finesse cavity constructed from mirrors, it could perhaps be possible.

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