[Physics] Will current flow through the resistor in the image


Would current flow through the resistor below?

\place{67}{149}{\leftarrow \hspace{-5px} {\large{\textbf{A}}}}
\place{223}{158}{{\large{\textbf{B}}}\hspace{-5px} \rightarrow}

The power source is an ideal cell without internal resistance, and the wires are also ideal.

I thought that current won't flow through the resistor because there is no potential difference between the points $\text{A}$ and $\text{B}$, but I am not sure.

Best Answer

If the lower wire from A to B is not assumed to be of zero resistance then definitely current would flow through both of them.

If the upper net resistance is $R_\text{upper}$ and the lower is $R_\text{lower}$ then $$ \frac{I_\text{upper}}{I_\text{lower}}~=~\frac{R_\text{lower}}{R_\text{upper}} \,.$$

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