[Physics] Will a standing wave form when two waves travel at different directions in the same medium


Is the standing wave just the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite direction in same medium or does it need specific conditions to be formed like frequency and amplitude ?

Best Answer

Well, let's start more general, and then become more specific if needed. Let's just consider two waves traveling in opposite directions (I will use complex exponential functions so as to not have to deal with trig identities, but we can take just the real or imaginary part of any of these expressions to move back to the "real world"): $$y_1=A_1e^{i(k_1x-\omega_1t)}$$ $$y_2=A_2e^{i(k_2x+\omega_2t)}$$ Note that I am assuming the amplitudes, frequencies, and wave numbers are constant in space and time.

Adding these together we have: $$y_1+y_2=A_1e^{i(k_1x-\omega_1t)}+A_2e^{i(k_2x+\omega_2t)}$$

There is not much we can do here now, so let's assume that $A_1=A_2=A$, then we have $$y_1+y_2=Ae^{i(k_1x-\omega_1t)}+Ae^{i(k_2x+\omega_2t)}=A[e^{i(k_1x-\omega_1t)}+e^{i(k_2x+\omega_2t)}]$$

Ok, it is getting a bit better. Let's assume $k_1=k_2=k$. $$y_1+y_2=A[e^{i(kx-\omega_1t)}+e^{i(kx+\omega_2t)}]=Ae^{ikx}[e^{-i\omega_1x}+e^{i\omega_2t}]$$

Almost there. Let's finally assume $\omega_1=\omega_2=\omega$ $$y_1+y_2=Ae^{ikx}[e^{-i\omega t}+e^{i\omega t}]=2Ae^{ikx}\cos(\omega t)$$ Or, taking the imaginary part of our expression: $$Im[y_1+y_2]=2A\cos(\omega t)\sin(kx)$$

This is the form of a standing wave (If you want, you can think of it as a sine wave in space whose amplitude varies cyclically as $2A\cos(\omega t)$, i.e. a standing wave).

Of course if we are looking at something like waves on a string, we would need to confine the region of the x-axis we look at to be such that there are nodes at the ends of each interval. But it looks like you need to have two waves with the same amplitude, frequency, and wave number to have a standing wave (of course I have just shown these conditions are sufficient, not necessary, but I think it should still hold based on my own tests).

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