[Physics] Will a hollow ferromagnetic core for a solenoid yield any benefit as opposed to a solid metal core


I'm creating solenoids for a project of mine, wrapping magnet wire around a ferromagnetic piece of pipe by hand. I've heard that the field strength of a solenoid can be increased by an order of magnitude by being wrapped around a solid ferromagnetic core. Since the pipe is obviously hollow, would a ferromagnetic piece of pipe have any benefit to the solenoid wrapped around it?

Best Answer

Yes. The equation and relative permeability is based on solid cores.

The volume for the solid and hollow cores would differ greatly. Specially if you have a high perm material with a hollow air core vs a solid one.

Think of it this way:

Calculate the field for air and iron cores (use online calculator if you have to).

So IronField > AirField right? Cause Iron's relative permeability is higher. Air's permeability is around 1, where as Pure Iron is like 5000.

Now lets say you have a hollow core. From volume calculations and measurements you know that the hollow core is 50% Iron and 50% Air in terms of volume. Now to solve for that hollow core field:

IronField*50% + AirField*50%.

That is less then having a solid core. Hope this helps!