[Physics] Will a glass of water left in the fridge evaporate


A commenter suggested that a glass of water left in a fridge would evaporate.

I couldn't tell if this is true. I don't want to do the experiment since it would take too long; so I thought instead I'd ask here.

Assume 1 cup (237 ml) of water in a typical cylindrical glass; the fridge is at 4C. Assume the fridge is never opened for the duration of this week. For "extra credit"*, assume the fridge has 640 lt volume, resides in a room at 25C and 50% humidity, and is opened 5 times a day.

*: No, it's not a homework question, hold your close flags.

Best Answer

Evaporation depends on vapor pressure of environment. If vapor pressure inside the fridge is lower than saturated pressure of water at $4^\circ C$, then the water will vaporize.

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