[Physics] Will a beam of protons and a beam of electrons attract or repel each other


Consider a beam of protons and a beam of electrons moving in parallel in the same direction – will they attract or repel each other?

The answer according to my teacher has been to assume the beam of electrons and protons as current in a conductor, and thus they repel. But the explanation has two problems:

  1. Isn't a proton beam very different from current in a conductor, as the conductor as a whole is electrically neutral and has no electric field outside but a proton beam does have a strong electric field?

  2. Doesn't a moving charge experience both electrostatic and magnetic forces according to the Lorentz force?

Best Answer

You are correct; your teacher is wrong.

Consider protons and electrons moving parallel in the same direction and with the same speed. In the inertial frame of the charges, we clearly have an attractive electrostatic force that will make the beams bend towards each other, and no magnetic force.

The attraction will be there also in our frame of reference, in which we will measure both a slightly higher electrostatic attraction and a small magnetic repulsion (which in the end will give the same behavior).