Thermodynamics – Why Heat Pump Efficiency Doesn’t Increase with Decreased Tcold


Why won't the efficiency of a heat pump increase when $T_\mathrm{cold}$ decreases?

In the carnot cycle, efficiency increases when $T_\mathrm{cold}$ gets colder and $T_\mathrm{hot}$ gets hotter. Are these statements reversed in a heat pump cycle?

Best Answer

It's pretty much as you say. But it sounds as though you're trying to guess. I'd suggest a couple of little sketches and some first principles reasoning; see my drawing below

Heat Engines

Both the circles are my reversible heat engine. On the left, it is running "forwards" and yielding work $W$ from the nett flow $Q_C$ into the cold reservoir at temperature $T_C$ after extracting heat $Q_H$ from the hot reservoir at temperature $T_C$. On the right it has work $W$ done on it for a nett flow nett flow $Q_C$ out from the cold reservoir, and the total $Q_H=Q+Q_C$ is pumped into the hot reservoir. By definition of the thermodynamic temperature in terms of heat flow ratios in reversible heat engines, as I discuss in my answer here, then


and, by energy balance

$$Q_H = W+Q_C\tag{2}$$

The engine is reversible, so that all the magnitudes of the energy quantities are the same; their signs are opposite: instead of the heat engine doing work $W=Q_H-Q_C$, we must do work on the heat engine to pump $Q_C$ from the cold reservoir and thereafter dump the total energy $Q_H=W+Q_C$ back into the hot reservoir.

So you now work out both efficiencies from (1) and (2): for the heat pump, a sensible "efficiency" is the fraction of the heat drawn from the hot reservoir that we convert into work; from (1) and (2) it is:

$$\eta = 1-\frac{T_C}{T_H}$$

For a heat pump, a sensible definition of "efficiency" is how much heat $Q_C$ we draw out of the cold reservoir for input of unit work: this ratio is:

$$\frac{Q_C}{W} = \frac{Q_C}{Q_H-Q_C} = \frac{T_C}{T_H-T_C}$$

although this one is a bit weird insofar that it can be greater than 1. Note that it becomes infinite as $T_C\to T_H$: heat can move spontaneously without work input between two reservoirs of the same temperature (although for a finite reservoir, the flow would lead to a temperature difference and halt the flow). A better word, which I believe heat pump engineers use is "co-efficient of performance": the bigger it is, the less energy you need to put in to remove unit heat from the cold reservoir.