[Physics] Why will a blue torch make a green object appear black


The color of the bulb at the bottom of a lava lamp can be changed. A special bulb can be put in that changes through the colors, blue green and white. This means in some circumstances, the lava, although green, will appear black. What color bulb will make it appear black?

I know the answer is blue, but when the light is shined against the green liquid, I understand it will be absorbed, but why will it turn black?


Best Answer

If you shining only blue light on a substance, the green liquid, which absorbs blue light then no light is coming from the green liquid. Absence of light is blackness.


One of the best examples of these ideas about colour occurs in nature - green leaves.
The light which hits the leaves is used in photosynthesis.
Many people are under the impression that it is green light which the plant needs for photosynthesis.
That is not so as it is the red and blue light which is needed.
So the leaves absorb all the colours contained in white light absorb the red and the blue ends of the spectrum and re radiate the green leaves.
Hence the leaves are seen to be green.

Here is an absorption spectrum to illustrate this point.

enter image description here