[Physics] Why traction vector depends on surface(section) orientration

continuum-mechanicssolid mechanicsstress-strain

Need help with stress tensors. Every book says that traction vector at a point P depends on orientation of surface cutting this point. But as far as I know traction is defined in this way: Traction is force over area it is acting on, so $\vec{T}$ equals $\vec{F}/| \vec{n}|$. In this case traction is a physical vector (not a coordinate vector) and should not depend on anything at all!

Why the hell physical vector depends on orientation of the surface? I guess my problem lies in my miss understanding what a traction vector is, maybe it's a resulatant of all forces acting on a cut sufface.

Please, explain in excruciating details since I've tried like 20 or 30 sources (intoduction to solid dynamics and stuff) and everywhere I've looked authors just say that "traction depends…" and no details why physical vector all of a sudden depends on something..

Here is a picture in my head:
enter image description here

In it we see a traction vector acting on a point P. Let's make a cut SurfaceH and a cut SurfaceV. So… Traction vector stays the same just the projections on to the different cuts change but not the vector itself.

Best Answer

Before starting to outline my understanding, let me link two related questions on Physics SE here and here. Further, let me give my main sources for learning continuum mechanics which my answer will mainly be inspired by:

  • Haupt, Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Materials, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2000
  • Liu, Continuum Mechanics, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2002

Let $\mathcal{P}$ be a part of the material body with surface $\partial\mathcal{P}$. We now assume that there are two types of forces that can act on this body part. On the one hand, there are forces that act on the bulk of the material ("on each of the overcountable small particles the body is made up of") and we can characterise them by a body force density. On the other hand, there are forces that are actually transmitted through the material body as contact forces and thus for the body part $\mathcal{P}$ they only act on its surface $\partial\mathcal{P}$. A typical force like this is pressure throughout a fluid. These force contributions on the surface are the surface traction $\vec{\mathbf{t}}$. Cauchy's theorem states that there is a tensor field, the Cauchy stress tensor $\mathbf{T}$, which for a surface with surface normal $\vec{\mathbf{n}}$ gives the traction on that surface at that point as $\mathbf{T}\vec{\mathbf{n}}$. The important point here is that the traction vector depends on the chosen surface by definition because it represents the force contribution onto a body part which is enclosed by this chosen surface. If we choose a different surface, we also get a physically different force because it is the force on another body part.

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