[Physics] Why the electric field inside a metal sphere carrying a charge Q is zero


I was solving some problem regarding the polarization during this I came across an example 4.5 in Griffith's where it is written that the Electric field inside the metal sphere carrying a charge Q is zero . The metal sphere is surrounded by a dielectric material

Is there any effect of the material which has surrounded the metal sphere due to which it's electric field inside the sphere becomes zero.

Can anyone explain me about these things?
I literally confuse among the situations that where the electric field should be zero or not.

Best Answer

The important conditions here are that you are considering the interior of a conducting surface with the topology of a spherical shell, at equilibrium. Its spherical symmetry and surroundings turn out to be irrelevant. The spherical shell will be at an electric equipotential. (If it weren’t, the gradient of the potential would make charge redistribute.) The entire interior will have the same value of electric potential (because solutions of Laplace’s equation cannot have local maxima or minima). Any apertures in the shell would invalidate the conclusion.