[Physics] Why Sun is not able to attract mercury closer

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As sun have a huge amount of attraction pull force , why its not able to pull tiny mercury?

Is the whole solar system works in a push and pull network?

Why bigger planets like earth, Saturn and Jupiter with more gravitational force are not attracting smaller planets laying before and after them ?

As per the answers sun have a push and pull nature .

So mercury is able to revolve faster and it is able to overcome suns pull and stay on orbit .But sun still able to pull other bigger planets like Jupiter and keep it in orbit.
All the planets are on orbit due to suns force too . Is it?

Earth ,Jupiter are able to stay on orbit by their force but they still don't attract other smaller planets. Finally , the gravity itself have distance limit , is it? after a certain distance it dont work so how it affect others !!!

Best Answer

The Sun is pulling Mercury.

If the Sun were not pulling Mercury, it would go out of the Solar system in a straight line.

It's a balancing act between the Sun's pull inwards and Mercury's tangential speed. It just so happens that the Sun's pull and Mercury's speed balance out just right to keep Mercury in a stable orbit. Actually, it's a bit more complicated, which is why Mercury's elliptical orbit itself rotates a bit, but those are details...

The way these things work out is that if the Sun were stronger, it would pull Mercury closer, but it would still stabilize in a closer orbit, up to a point. If the Sun were stronger still, Mercury would spiral inwards.