[Physics] Why Newton’s law of universal gravitation is a valid law? What causes any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force


Why Newton's law of universal gravitation is a valid law? What causes any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force? What causes a larger body in space to have a gravitational pull on a smaller body?

Best Answer

Why Newton's law of universal gravitation is a valid law?

The empirical fact that bodies gravitate is the given. Long before Newton's law of universal gravitation, bodies were gravitating because that's the way the universe is.

Physicists endeavour to describe observed phenomena with mathematical models that, if valid, give reasonable agreement with observations.

The question of why the observable universe, the given, is the way it is isn't really within the realm of physics and, in fact, may not be a valid question at all.

Indeed, if one were to give an alleged answer to why?, there is no reason to suspect that such an alleged answer would be immune from the question "but why is that so?"

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