Lorentz Group for Fields and Poincaré Group for Particles – Understanding the Reasons

group-representationsparticle-physicsquantum mechanicsquantum-field-theoryspecial-relativity

Wigner treatment associates to particles the irreps of the universal covering of the Poincaré group
$$\mathbb{R}(1,3)\rtimes SL(2,\mathbb{C}).$$

  1. Why don't we consider finite dimensional representations of this group?

I understand we ask for unitarity when representing its action on states, so the representation cannot be finite dimensional. However we do consider finite dimensional representations of the Lorentz group $O(1,3)$ and associate them to fields.

  1. Why associate the Lorentz group to fields?

  2. Why do we look in this case for finite dimensional representations?

  3. What do we associate to unitary representations of the Lorentz group?

Best Answer

1) Why don't we consider finite dimensional representations of this group?

As you said, we ask (anti)unitarity, so it is impossible to find finite-dimensional representation.

2) Why associate the Lorentz group to fields?

The essence of the answer is what Trimok already said in his comment: the "translational part" of the Poincarè group is already represented by the argument of the field. That is for a general multi-component field you postulate the transformation law, for each element $(a,\Lambda)$ of the Poincarè group, given by

$ \psi'(x') = S(\Lambda) \psi(x)$

where $x' = \Lambda x + a$.

It seems a natural request for the transformation rule of a field, think of the non-relativistic case of the Schroedinger field: you expect that the operator creating a particle in position x with spin m=1 is seen as the operator creating a particle in position x+a with spin m=1 by an observer translated with respect to you. Spin, or any "inner" part of the field, should not be afflicted by translations.

I don't know if there is a more deep or rigorous explanation for this.

So you see that fields are distinguished by $S(\Lambda)$, and so only the Lorentz group is relevant for this purpose.

Note that no general request is asked to $S(\Lambda)$, a part for being a representation (I don't remember if it is allowed to be a projective representation though) of the Lorentz group. In the case of the Dirac field, in order to pin down the explicit form of $S(\Lambda)$, it is made another request, that is it leaves invariant the form of the Dirac equation. In the end it turns out it must not necessarily be unitary.

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