[Physics] Why it is colder in mountains, at high altitudes

atmospheric scienceearthideal-gastemperaturethermodynamics

The conventional answer is to say that "lower temperature follows from lower pressure because temperature is average molecular energy (average speed)". For instance "Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy (how fast things are moving around). At lower altitudes…there are more air molecules than at higher altitudes" and at Quora "Greater space between molecules means less intermolecular collisions, which means lower average kinetic energy, which means lower temperature."

Do you see how they silently substitute speed of a particle (average energy) with number of collisions (particles)? Why? If I look at the average energy, N seems to cancel out, leaving expected $E_{avg} = \sqrt{mv^2 \over 2} = 2/3kT$ independent of the "number of collisions". Why do the explainers resort to such tricks and why cannot you simply explain it by saying

as molecules jump higher, they loose energy/speed due to gravity. This
results in molecules slower at heights and therefore you have lower
temperatures at the heights, boy.

Once the molecule falls back to the Earth, gravity accelerates it,
recovering all the energy, and molecule regains it normal
energy/temperature at the lower altitues.

This seem to give the whole picture and in the first principles, without entailing the pressure. Is such explanation legitimate, as alternative to the pressure-based one? I cannot find it anywhere.

Best Answer

An atmosphere in absolute equilibrium in fact is isothermal (see below for more detailed analysis of your cannonball). However, if the atmosphere is mixed by wind, gas expands and contracts adiabatically. If the mixing is fast enough, it obeys relatively well the adiabatic invariant, which multiplied by suitable form of ideal gas law ($(T/(pV))^\gamma = 1/(\nu R)^\gamma = const$) results in

$$pV^\gamma = const \Rightarrow$$ $$\frac{T^\gamma}{p^{\gamma - 1}} = const $$

Thus, if the pressure decreases with altitude, temperature also decreases, assuming the air is adiabatic.

So, what about the cannonball?

Instead of cannonballs moving in 3d space, lets just consider 1d upwards shooting cannon. In your example, you made a slight mistake. Instead of shooting a single cannonball, you should have shot many and with velocities according to Bolzmann distribution - the probability of shooting some cannonball with velocity $v$ is proportional to $e^{-E/kT} = e^{-mv^2/2kT}$ (ideal gas obeys exactly the same probability relation). You correctly noticed that a cannonball at $h = 0$ has less kinetic energy at height $h = h'$, which led to your result. But you didn't take into account that only cannonballs with high enough initial energy can reach an altitude of $h'$, thus "filtering" out the low energy balls. This effect conversely increases the average energy of the cannonball - which happens to exactly compensate the effect mentioned above.

More mathematically - in order to get the distribution of velocities at some other height, let's first ask what is the probability of reaching a maximum altitude of $h_{max}$. From energy conservation, $mv_z^2/2 = mgh_{max}$ (only the $z$ component is important). Thus the probability is simply proportional to $e^{-mgh_{max}/kT}$. If we are sitting at height $h'$, the probability distribution for a cannonball to rising for another $\Delta h$ is $p \propto e^{-mgh_{max}/kT} \propto e^{-mgh_{max}/kT}e^{-mgh'/kt} = e^{-mg(h_{max} - h')/kT} = e^{-mg \Delta h/kT}$ (I just multiplied rhs by a constant factor). Keeping in mind that $mg \Delta h = mv'^2/2$ is also the kinetic energy at that height, we conclude that the velocity distribution and thus the average kinetic energy are the same at different heights.