[Physics] Why isn’t tension equal throughout


Before rotation is introduced into the course, Atwood machines were considered to have equal tension throughout. In this particular problem however, the pulley did have a significant body which rotated about an axis. In captions the authors stated that the tensions may not be equal even though it is on the same rope, an indeed the tensions are different numerically.

Why can we assume equal tensions when the pulley is negligible but not when it is significant?

Best Answer

It is all a matter of progression.

When one starts studying Mechanics it is in terms of point masses, massless and inextensible strings, frictionless and massless pulleys, etc..
This is done to produce some foundations on which to build.
Strings and pulleys are just devices for transferring forces from one place to another and changing the directions of forces.

A step forward is to introduce rotational dynamics where bodies are no longer treated as point masses and pulleys suddenly become nearer to those that can be found in the real world.

It appears that you have taken such a step.

If you have a pulley of moment of inertia $I_{\rm C}$ about its centre of mass then to produce an angular acceleration $\alpha$ of the pulley requires a torque about the centre of mass of the pulley of $\tau = I_{\rm C} \;\alpha$.
Note that if the pulley is massless then it has no moment of inertia and so requires no torque to accelerate it.

The torque is applied using a string which can still be assumed massless and inextensible but now communicates with the pulley via a static frictional force.

This now means that the tension in the string is no longer constant as is shown in the solution to the capstan problem. (However note that there are no accelerations in the derivation).

You normally do not worry about the detail of the interaction between the pulley and the string what interests you is the fact that the tensions at either end of the string are difference and it is that difference which enable the string to apply a torque on the pulley.

In some cases you could assume that the moment of inertia of the pulley is so small as to make the very little difference to the tension in the string which is mirroring the assumption that the pulley is massless.

I wonder what assumptions (simplifications) NASA made when designing their pulley system?

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