[Physics] Why is work a scalar quantity


If the displacement is in the direction of the force, then work is positive.
If the displacement is in the opposite direction of the force, then work is negative.
If the displacement is perpendicular to the direction of the force then work is zero.

So, the work done depends on direction. So work should be a vector quantity. Then how is work a scalar quantity?

Best Answer

From a mathematical point of view (ignoring integrals for now), we know that the work is defined to be

$$W = \vec{F}\cdot \vec{x}$$

By definition, the dot product of two vectors is a scalar. So that should be enough to convince you mathematically.

From a more intuitive point of view, remember that scalars can be negative or positive - this alone does not mean they are defining a direction. As you stated (correctly), the work does depend on the direction of the force. But this does not mean it is a vector itself (just look at the dot product above to convince yourself). Try to think of the force and displacement as more of a cause and effect type of a relationship though. You seem to be implying in your question that these entities are completely separate. If you push on an object in a certain direction, it is going to accelerate in that direction, unless some frictional force balances your push, so the net force is actually 0...then it will not accelerate at all.

If the displacement is perpendicular to the direction of the force then work is zero.

If there is zero work, then will be no displacement (assuming 0 initial velocity). This is not because there is inherently no displacement...it is rather that there is no net force. Again, imagine pushing on a block downwards, so it does not move at all. This is because the normal force is pushing back at you, so there is no net force on the object at all. That is in fact why it does not move.

So depending on what direction you push on an object (and subsequently accelerates), you can define work to be positive or negative. This depends on your choice of coordinate system. But to reiterate - work will only be positive or negative. It will never have a direction associated with it.