[Physics] Why is torque a cross product


If I'm not wrong, torque is perpendicular to both the radius and force i. e. It is along the axis of rotation. Questions that arise are- why do we consider the length between the axis/point of rotation while calculating torque? More importantly why is torque a cross product?

Best Answer

It doesn't have to be thought of as cross product. It's just very convenient to think of it that way, so we teach it first. Indeed, even when I apply it in my job, I think of it as a cross product.

But first, your question about why the lever arm appears in the equations. Informally, we need to account for the length because a longer lever arm gives you more mechanical advantage. You can test this, yourself, with a wrench. Try to tighten a bolt holding the wrench right up near the head, then hold the wrench further out near the end, giving yourself a longer lever arm, and try to tighten it. You'll find you can tighten the bolt much better if you have a longer lever arm.

As for a mathematical explanation, you can show it using conservation of momentum and angular momentum. Construct any scenario using forces and show that momentum is conserved (it should be!). Now, pick any point as the "center" of your rotation, and calculate torques. You'll find that angular momentum is conserved. If you defined torque without the radius term, you'd find angular momentum would not be conserved. In fact, it turns out that if you have forces and conservation of momentum, you can always derive torques and conservation of angular momentum. And if you have torques and conservation of angular momentum, you can always derive the forces and the conservation of momentum! They're sort of duals of one another.

If you want to go further than that, many years from now you'll learn Lagrangian Mechanics and Nother's Theorem. You'll learn that the conservation of momentum is a very fundamental concept directly tied to the fact that our laws of physics are the same in all directions. Rotate an experiment, and the laws of physics will stay the same. There is no privileged direction where the laws of physics are "correct."

As for why torque is perpendicular to the force and the lever arm, that is actually just an artifact of mathematics, nothing more. When you get deeper into Lagrangian Mechanics, what you'll find is that this angular momentum is just one specialized case of a wider concept called "generalized angular momentum." In generalized angular momentum, the equivalent of torque is formed by the exterior product, r ∧ F. This is known as a bivector, as opposed to a normal vector. This works in any number of dimensions.

The exact definition of these bivectors is a bit of a pest to work with:

The exterior algebra Λ(V) of a vector space V over a field K is defined as the quotient algebra of the tensor algebra T(V) by the two-sided ideal I generated by all elements of the form x ⊗ x for x ∈ V (i.e. all tensors that can be expressed as the tensor product of a vector in V by itself).

What a whopper! However, we're really lucky that we live in 3 dimensions. As it turns out, when you crank out one of these bivectors in 3 dimensions, and look at how it behaves, a curious convenience shows up. They behave exactly the same as cross products. A bivector is not a vector, but it turns out these 3 dimensional bivectors have the same mathematical properties as cross products (which are a 3 dimensional concept).

Incidentally, this is also why we have to choose the right hand rule convention. Bivectors can be calculated without such a convention, but when you map them into vectors using the cross product, there's two choices you can make -- left handed or right handed. As long as you always choose one, the result is consistent.

Thus, for reasons that should be obvious, we choose to teach torque as a vector defined by r x F, rather than a bivector, r ∧ F. It's a whole lot simpler! But it comes with a price. The vector r x F has a "direction," since it's a vector. That direction is perpendicular to the force and the lever arm. The bivector didn't have this particular concept of direction. The concept of bivector direction is more nuanced, and more intuitively related to the direction of the force and the direction of the lever arm.

And so, you have your reason for the torque being "perpendicular." It really doesn't have anything to do with physics, as much as it has to do with avoiding having to teach you advanced vector algebra to do basic physics. You get the right answer using the cross product, because cross products and 3 dimensional exterior products operate the same.

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