[Physics] Why is this way of calculating mean life of radioactive atoms incorrect


Suppose there are $N$ radioactive atoms and the half life of decay is $t$. Then after one half life the number of remaining atoms will be $\frac{N}{2}$. And so after each half life the number will be halved.

Which means,
$1/2$ of the atoms will have a life of $t$

Half of the the remaining half or $1/4$ of the atoms will have a life of $2t$ and so on.

Then if the mean time for decay is $\tau$, then it should be:

$\tau = \frac{(\frac{N}{2}t+\frac{N}{4}2t+\frac{N}{8}3t+…)}{N}$
or $\tau = t(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{2}{4}+\frac{3}{8}+…)$

But this infinite series doesn't equal to $\frac{1}{ln2}$.
And we know that, $\tau =\frac{t}{ln2}$

So obviously my calculation is wrong. Why is this way of calculating the mean time for decay wrong?

Best Answer

Your mistake is here:

Which means, 1/2 of the atoms will have a life of t

Half of the the remaining half or 1/4 of the atoms will have a life of 2t and so on.

The corrected statement is:

Which means, 1/2 of the atoms will have a life $\le t$

Half of the the remaining half or 1/4 of the atoms will have a life between $t$ and $2t$ and so on.