[Physics] Why is there a 90˚ phase angle between particle velocity and sound pressure in spherical waves


My text says that in a plane sound wave (or in the far field), particle velocity and pressure is in phase. As we move closer to the sound source (to near field and more spherical waves), the phase angle between these two quantities will gradually shift towards 90˚.

Why does this phase shift occur? I haven't been able to find an intuitive explanation for why there is a phase shift in spherical waves, but not in plane waves, and vice versa.

Best Answer

Remembering back to my undergrad days, and courtesy of a quick Google: if you define the acoustic potential $\phi$ by:

$$u = - \nabla \phi$$

then the pressure is:

$$p = \rho \frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}$$

For a plane wave in one dimension the wave equation is:

$$\frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial x^2} = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2\phi}{\partial t^2}$$

and the solution is:

$$\phi = f(ct \pm x)$$

for some function $f$. So $u$ and $p$ are in phase. However for a spherical wave the wave equation looks rather different:

$$\frac{\partial^2 (r\phi)}{\partial x^2} = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 (r\phi)}{\partial t^2}$$

and you get:

$$\phi = \frac {f(ct \mp x)}{r}$$

where if I recall correctly the minus sign means a wave travelling outwards and the plus means a wave travelling inwards. So:

$$u = \frac {f(ct \mp x)}{r^2} \pm \frac {f'(ct \mp x)}{r}$$ $$p = \rho c\frac {f'(ct \mp x)}{r}$$

It's because $u$ and $p$ have a different $r$ dependance that you get the change in phase for distances below a wavelength or two.

Phew! Now you're going to ask me to put this into simple physical terms, but you'll have to let me go away and think about that. I guess it's basically because with a spherical wave the acoustic energy falls with distance in a sort of 1/$r^2$ way, but for a plane wave the acoustic energy is constant with distance.

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