Fluid Statics – Why is There a 1/2 Factor in Surface Tension Calculation for Thin Films?


According to Wikipedia on the surface tension of a thin film:
$$ \gamma = \frac{1}{2} \frac{F}{L}$$
Where $\gamma$ is the surface tension, $L$ is the length of the movable side and $F$ is the force required to stop it from sliding. (Please refer to the picture of a thin film below, also from Wikipedia)

Wikipedia picture on surface tension

Why is there a $1/2$ factor included in the equation? Some books said it's because there are two layers of the liquid. But in the case of a thin film, shouldn't there be only one layer? (i.e. one molecule thick). My current understanding is that there are supposedly two layers and each layer exerts an equal amount of force and thus the $1/2$ factor.


Here is a picture to clarify what I am thinking (although it doesn't exactly depicts a "thin" film.) It shows a huge magnification of the cross-section around the boundary between the movable rod and the liquid.

Magnification of cross-section of rod and liquid

$ABCH$ is the cross-section of the movable rod and $DEFG$ is the cross-section of the liquid. The circles in the liquid are liquid molecules, named as lower case letters for the sake of conversation.

Now lets consider molecule $f$ for instance. It stays static because there is a balance of cohesive forces in every direction. Molecules on the liquid surfaces such as $a$ and $d$, however, experience a net downward liquid-cohesive force and therefore must be balanced by the adhesive force from the movable rod, resulting in surface tension. Each line of molecules (along $a$ and $d$) exerts a pulling force of $F=\gamma L$. There are two lines of molecules so $F = 2 \gamma L$.

However, molecules $b$ and $c$ also experience net downward liquid-cohesive force and therefore must be balanced by the adhesive force from the movable rod, resulting in a pulling force exerted by molecules $b$ and $c$ on the movable rod. Therefore $F$ no longer equals $2 \gamma L$ but equals $4 \gamma L$ in this case.

Best Answer

In case of a thin film, there are two layers or rather surfaces, I would say. 2 surfaces, that is, the one that is visible in the given diagram and the one on the opposite side of this surface that cannot be seen in the picture.
The net surface tension is due to the 2 surfaces pulling the slider back with equal force. So the factor $\frac{1}{2}$ is present in the equation.

EDIT: According to your picture (I am re-posting your picture for clarification), enter image description here there are certain flaws in your understanding which I think I have understood now. I mention them as points:

  1. First of all, in case of a THIN FILM, there will not exist molecules like $b$ and $c$. That is what is meant by a thin film and hence this formula is so simple without any complex mathematics.
  2. Secondly, I must admit that a thin film is rare and that your case can be roughly approximated to be a thin film. Even then you must know that there is something called an angle of contact that exists due to the difference in adhesive forces and cohesive forces. In this case, the water film will bend outwards to prepare a somewhat concave meniscus and hence those $b$ and $c$ molecules will spread to the surface and be a part of it.

I hope I am clear with my answer and it will clear your doubts. Ask me if it still hurts.

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