[Physics] Why is the wave function inside a delta potential non-zero

dirac-delta-distributionsquantum mechanicsschroedinger equationwavefunction

The wave function outside an infinite well is zero, owing to the fact that we assume particles to have finite energies. But in the case of a delta function potential $\delta(x-a)$, the wave function is non-zero at the point $a$.

To find the states of a delta function, we use the continuity of the wave function and the discontinuity of it's first derivative. Why don't we set the wave function to zero at $a$?

Best Answer

Why is the wave function inside a delta potential non-zero?

There's no 'inside' to meaningfully speak of.

Why don't we set the wave function to zero at a?

For the delta well potential, there is a jump condition at $x = a$; $\psi'$ must be discontinuous there.

One can integrate the SE across $x = a$ and find that $\psi'$ must change discontinuously there by an amount proportional to $\alpha$ but there is no requirement that $\psi$ be zero there.

This is because, loosely speaking, $\psi''$ contains a delta 'function' at $x = a$ (due to the discontinuity of $\psi'$ there) that 'matches up' with the delta potential there.

In contrast, for the case of the infinite well (particle in a box), the potential is constant and infinite outside of the well and so the SE (outside) is

$$\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\psi'' = (\infty - E)\psi$$

for which $\psi = 0$ is the only reasonable solution.