String Theory – Why Does the Graviton Have Spin-2?


In string theory, the first excited level of the bosonic string can be decomposed into irreducible representations of the transverse rotation group, $SO(D-2)$. We then claim that the symmetric traceless part (i.e. the 35 rep) is the spin-2 graviton – but isn't the label "spin-2" intrinsically 3+1 dimensional? I.e. it labels the representation under the little group $SU(2)$?

Best Answer

It is traditional to label massless (and some massive) states in higher dimension by their 3-d "spin" counterparts, even thought he label is completely inaccurate, as you say. All antisymmetric forms are "spin-1", the symmetric two-index object is "spin-2", a fundamental spinor is "spin 1/2" and a vector of spinors is "spin 3/2". These labels refer to the maximum helicity of the associated massless particle, although the number of components is completely different than in 4d. For learning the higher dimensional rotation group, there is an article by Scherk from the 1970s.

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