Electrostatics – Why is Lightning or an Electric Spark Zig-Zag Shaped?


Why is the shape of the lightning (or an electric spark) always of a zig-zag nature? Why is it never just a straight line?

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Best Answer

Why is it never just a straight line?

I think it can be interesting to answer both questions and add a few interesting details to the answer already given.

  • Electrons move in a straight line only in vacuum, where they meet no obstacles. What happens here is the same that happens with a river: the water of a waterfall goes in a straight line because it meets no obstacles, but the water of a river on a slope follows a zig-zag line meandering. In lighining that phenomenon is called: 'tortuosity' picture 10.3 (below) looks exactly like the meandering of a river) trying to 'find' the path of least resistance. But water and electrons do not make a choice, of course, they just move as soon as it is possible when there is no obstacle, then we call it 'finding the path...' and can ask: How does lightning "know" where to go?.

enter image description here

  • The zig-zag line is a sort of optical illusion, if you watch the slow motion of a ligtning on YT here at 3:04 or here from 0.45 to 0.51, you will see that the real path looks like the course of a river. Each discharge is a series of steps in which the current travels a short distance and then pauses: each pause is where we see a change in direction. Meanwhile the local potential to ground is changing, so the final target is constantly changing.

  • As the discharge approaches the earth, many potential targets might be seen, but only one or a few will ionize the local air enough to provide the final path to ground, a small discharge can be seen coming from objects that were failed targets, and there is upward lightning. That explains also why the zig-zag line is not perpendicular to the ground.

  • You can compare the actual course of the lightning in the above picture 10.3 with the picture you get with an ordinary camera or with the eye:

enter image description here

The secondary branches are only temporary and in different directions, but they remain impressed on the retina at the real flow of time.