[Physics] Why is the salad tray at the *bottom* of the fridge


In a badly-adjusted (too cold) fridge, I notice that things like celery & lettuce are more likely to be spoiled by becoming frozen if they're put on a middle shelf, rather than the salad drawer at the bottom.

I realise the salad drawer is "enclosed". But it's far from air-tight, so over time I would expect denser cold air to sink to the bottom and end up filling the salad drawer.

I don't know if it's relevant that I've only seen this phenomenon in fridges with an ice-making compartment at the top of the fridge (as opposed to a "larder fridge" that doesn't have an ice-making compartment).

I know water expands as it cools below 4°C (the specific part of the temperature scale relevant here), but I'm pretty sure air doesn't do this. So why should the bottom of a fridge end up being the warmest, rather than the coldest part?

Best Answer

The heat transfer inside the fridge are almost completely based on convection. So the air moves around, changing it's temperature - there is not much separation of cold and warm air normally.

That is intended, of course, and to distribute cold air through the fridge, it's best to put the cooling element at top end - I assume that's the case in your fridge. Now, warm air can go up to the cooling element, and cold air comes down from there.

In normal operation, the only other relevant heat flow is the leaks through the walls and door.

In comparison, outside of the salad tray, there is some heat leaking from the walls, and some convection up and down to the cooling element.
Inside the salad tray, there is less leak from the walls because of the additional isolation from the tray itself, but very few convection transporting away the heat that leaked in.

Because of this, it gets somewhat warmer in the tray. The heat conduction through the tray wall and through the fridge wall (plus minor convection leaking out of the tray into the fridge, added to tray wall conduction) will find a balance, with the tray at a slightly higher temperature.

(The effect is much stronger if the bottom of the fridge is also an outside wall, leaking heat in. But it may also be the top of a colder compartment of the fridge, so I ignore it for simplicity.)