[Physics] Why is the resistance not zero even though the length of wire is zero


I need help about a resistivity lab that I am doing for senior project.

I successfully plotted the (resistance) vs (length of nichrome wire) graph and added the best-fit line however the y-intercept is nonzero. How should I understand this? As a systematic error or some kind of indication of some quantity?

In theory, length is directly proportional to resistance under constant temperature so I am messed up why the graph does not go through the origin.

Best Answer

Of course, empirical data is subject to errors in the test setup and measuring equipment. But still you should try to account for the known sources of error. This includes errors in the measuring device, like calibration errors or your ohmmeter might not compensate for the resistance of the test leads, etc. For starters, short the test leads/contacts without the nichrome wire present. That will tell you how much resistance you need to subtract from all measurements.