Tidal Effects – Why the Moon Causes Major Tides Despite Being Weaker Than the Sun


You have likely read in books that tides are mainly caused by the Moon. When the Moon is high in the sky, it pulls the water on the Earth upward and a high-tide happens. There is some similar effect causing low-tides. They also say that the Sun does the same as well, but has smaller effect compared to the Moon.

Here's my question: Why is the Moon the major cause of tides? Why not the Sun? The Sun is extremely massive compared to the Moon. One might say, well, the Sun is much farther than the Moon. But I've got a simple answer: Just substitute those numbers in $a=\frac{GM}{d^2}$ and find gravitational acceleration for the Moon and then for the Sun (on Earth, by the way). You'll find something around $3.38$ $10^{-6}$ $g$ for the Moon and $6.05$ $10^{-4}$ $g$ for the Sun – I double checked it to make sure. As you can see, the sun pulls about $180$ times stronger on the Earth. Can anyone explain this? Thanks is advance.

Best Answer

What is important for tidal forces is not the absolute gravity, but the differential gravity across the planet, that is, how different is the force of gravity at a point on the Earth's surface near the sun relative to a point on the Earth's surface far from the sun. If you compare it with the moon, the result will be that the tidal force from the sun is about 0.43 that of the moon.

Suppose two different bodies in the sky that have the same apparent size. Because the mass M of the object will grow as $r^3$ (because $M=4/3\rho\pi R^3$ and $R=\theta r$), the gravitational force will actually grow linearly with $r$, where $r$ is the distance and $R$ is the radius of the object. So if two bodies have the same apparent size (such as the Moon and the Sun) and the same density, the tidal force would be the same. The density of the moon is about 2.3 times larger than that of the sun, that is why the tidal force is larger by that factor.

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