[Physics] Why is the magnitude of friction acting on the rear wheels greater than the magnitude of friction acting on the front wheels


When a car is accelerating on a horizontal road , friction acts in the forward direction on the rear wheel and in the backward direction on the front wheel .
But I am not able to understand why the friction acting on the rear wheel is greater in magnitude than the friction acting on the front wheel ? Is this because the car is accelerating forward and the net force should act in the forward direction ?

Best Answer

Rear Wheel Drive

Let's look a the case of rear wheel drive and designate all the forces acting during acceleration (air drag, ball bearings friction and other non-conservative forces are ignored)

In the $y$-direction where there's no acceleration we get:


In the $x$-direction:

$$ma=F_B-F_F$$ This the Equation of Motion of the car.

Readers may wonder why $F_F$ points in the $-x$ direction. When the car accelerates, friction is needed on the front wheels to sustain the increase in angular velocity $\omega$.

For rolling without slipping in uniform motion (constant velocity), with $R$ the wheel's radius:

$$v=\omega R$$

In acceleration, rolling without slipping:


To get this angular acceleration clockwise torque $\tau$ needs to act on the wheel:


This torque is provided by the friction force $F_F$, so that:

$$\tau=F_F \times R$$

The balance of torques about the CoG must be zero, to prevent the car from starting to rotate, so:

$$N_BL_1+F_F h=N_F L_2+F_Bh$$

And with: $F_F=\mu N_F$ and $F_B=\mu N_B$, then:

$$N_BL_1+\mu N_F h=N_F L_2+\mu N_Bh$$

$$N_B(L_1-\mu h)=N_F(L_2-\mu h)$$

Combined with $(1)$ and some reworking we get:

$$N_B=\frac{L_2-\mu h}{L_1+L_2-2 \mu h}\tag{2}mg$$ $$N_F=\frac{L_1-\mu h}{L_1+L_2-2 \mu h}\tag{3}mg$$

Now compare this to the static case, where $a=0$ and $v=\text{constant}$. It can beshown easily that in that case:

$$N_B=\frac{L_2}{L_1+L_2}mg\tag{A}$$ $$N_F=\frac{L_1}{L_1+L_2}mg\tag{B}$$

Comparing $(2)$ to $(B)$ it is clear that in the case of the accelerating car, the normal force on the rear wheels and thus also the friction, is higher than in the static ($a=0$) case.

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