[Physics] Why is the gravitational multipole expansion taken with the origin at the centre of mass instead of the centre of gravity


Wikipedia's article on the multipole expansion of the gravitational potential expands it as
V(\mathbf{x}) = – \frac{GM}{|\mathbf{x}|} – \frac{G}{|\mathbf{x}|} \int \left(\frac{r}{|\mathbf{x}|}\right)^2 \frac {3 \cos^2 \theta – 1}{2} dm(\mathbf{r}) + \cdots
with respect to a system of reference with the origin at the centre of mass $\mathbf r_\mathrm{COM}=\int\mathbf r\: \mathrm dm(\mathbf{r})$ of the mass distribution.

I don't understand this choice of system of reference. Why is the origin taken at the centre of mass? To me it seems to make more sense to put the origin at the centre of gravity, where the gravitational potential is 0. In the center of mass, it may not be!

Best Answer

The multipole expansion in its most general form reads $$ V(\mathbf r)=\sum_{l=0}^\infty \sum_{m=-l}^lQ_{lm}\frac{Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)}{r^{l+1}}, $$ where the $Q_{lm}$ are the multipole moments of the system and the $Y_{lm}$ are spherical harmonics, and in this form it is applicable to bodies of any shape, and located at any point in space, so long as the body is contained in a finite spherical region of radius $R$ and the test point $\mathbf r$ is located outside this spherical region.

The Wikipedia article you linked to is concerned with the first few terms in this expansion, which can be rewritten as

$$ V(\mathbf r)=-\frac{GM}{r}+\frac{\mathbf d\cdot\mathbf r}{r^3}+\frac{p_2(x,y,z)}{r^5}, $$ where $p_2$ is a traceless homogeneous quadratic polynomial, and the dipole moment of the system is defined as $$ \mathbf d=G\int\mathbf r\:\mathrm dm(\mathbf r). \tag 1 $$

These first three terms go down with the distance to the origin $r$ as $1/r$, $1/r^2$ and $1/r^3$ respectively, which means that the relative importance of the second, dipole term goes as $1/r$ with respect to the first, monopole term.

This changes, however, if you set up your origin at the centre of mass of the distribution, since then the dipole moment $(1)$ vanishes. If you do this, then you can completely ignore the dipole term, and the subleading term of the expansion becomes the quadrupole term, which goes as $1/r^2$ of the monopole term, which makes the truncated series much more accurate.

That's about it, really.

In addition, though, you should note that the centre of gravity as you've linked to cannot be defined for a body in isolation: it is a property of a mass distribution $\mathrm dm(\mathbf r)$ and an externally-produced gravitational field $\mathbf g(\mathbf r)$ acting on the distribution. In these conditions you can find the total force $$ \mathbf F=\int\mathbf g(\mathbf r)\mathrm dm(\mathbf r) $$ and the total torque with respect to an arbitrary origin $\mathbf r_0$, $$ \boldsymbol\tau=\int(\mathbf r-\mathbf r_0)\times\mathbf g(\mathbf r)\mathrm dm(\mathbf r), $$ and then you can define the centre of gravity as the $\mathbf r_0$ at which $\boldsymbol \tau$ vanishes. If you don't have the external field $\mathbf g(\mathbf r)$, though, this doesn't make any sense: the centre of gravity is the point through which a given field configuration can be thought of as acting, and it depends on the field configuration.

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