[Physics] Why is the far point of human eye infinite


In my exams, the presence of this question, which unfortunately I couldn't answer, made me wonder why is the far point of an eye infinite?
First thing that came into my mind was that how come we can see till infinity?
Far point of eye is sometimes described as the farthest point from the eye at which images are clear. As stated here

There's obviously a limit to a distance where the eye can see. If there is, then why isn't that taken in consideration for accurate measurements?

Best Answer

I think you are confusing the optical definition of infinity with the literal definition of it. In an optical system, including your eyes, infinity is that distance at which light entering the optical system is considered parallel. This site gives the defnition as:

In optics, it is the region from which a point on an object sends rays of light which are considered to be parallel onto an optical system. Consequently it forms a clear image in the focal plane of that system. In clinical optometry, 6 metres is usually regarded as infinity.

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