[Physics] Why is the excited state of 116 Indium more stable than ground state


Why is the excited state of 116 Indium more stable than ground state? Both undergo beta decay, but the ground state has a half-life of 14 seconds, while the excited state has a half-life of 54 minutes. Is there something special about the ground state?

I found a diagram of the typical decay of the excited state of 116 indium to 116 Tin:

level diagram

Best Answer

In general, decays which release a lot of energy are faster than than decays which release only a little energy.

As Carl Witthoft points out, the first excited state is unlikely to decay to the ground state partially because the energy difference is small, and partially because the spin difference is large. (The photon for the $5^+\to1^+$ transition within $\rm ^{116}In$ would have to carry angular momentum $4\hbar$: a so-called electric hexadecapole (E4) transition.)

We can make the same combination angular momentum / energy argument for the beta decays. Beta decays are parity-violating: the electron tends to come out left-handed, and the antineutrino comes out right-handed. The two leptons are most likely to leave the nucleus without orbital angular momentum (that is, in an $s$-wave state), and if you detect them in roughly opposite directions then together they carry one unit $\hbar$ of spin. We therefore expect the beta transition to strongly prefer $\Delta J=1$ transitions. If the beta decay were to have $\Delta J > 1$, the leptons would have to be emitted with some $p$-wave or higher orbital angular momentum; those wavefunctions have much less overlap with the nucleus than the $s$-wave.

So the energetic decay $\rm^{116}In(5^+) \not\to {}^{116}Sn(0^+)$ is strongly suppressed by angular momentum considerations, and the preferred decays for the isomer $\rm^{116}In(5^+) \to {}^{116}Sn(4^+)$ only have an energy of about $\rm1.5\,MeV$. That low-energy decay proceeds more slowly than the $\rm3.9\,MeV$ decay $\rm^{116}In(1^+) \to {}^{116}Sn(0^+)$.

For internal consistency in this seat-of-my-pants, hand-waving argument, notice that the decay to the lowest-energy $4^+$ state is about five times more likely than the decay to the highest-energy $4^+$ state.

My golden-rule skills are too weak to make this argument quantitative; I'd love to see a definitive answer.