[Physics] Why is the correlation function a power law at the critical point

correlation-functionscritical-phenomenarenormalizationstatistical mechanics

I’m taking my first exam in statistical field theory and critical phenomena. I’ve reached a point in which we use the fact that the pair correlation function decays as a power law at the critical point:
$$\left<\psi(x)\psi(0)\right> \sim\frac{1}{x^{D-2+\nu}}$$
to renormalize it to reach the $\epsilon$-expansion in 4 dimensions, which I’m comfortable with.

The thing is, the whole procedure is based on this assumption and I couldn’t find a way to prove it form the topic we previously discussed, which are Landau $\psi^4$ expansion, Hartree fock approximation and normalization or blocking variables.

Can anyone give me a hint on who to proceed? I'm really missing the thing which glues the two things together.

Best Answer

The exponent is not in general an integer, and therefore the divergence is not really polynomial. That being said, let's agree to call a structure of the form $x^a$ a polynomial, for any (real) $a$.

The general case.

In general terms, you cannot really prove that the divergence is always polynomial. If $f(x)$ has a singularity at $x_0$, you may define $$ k\equiv-\lim_{x\to x_0}\frac{\log|f(x)|}{\log |x-x_0|} $$

If $k$ is finite, then the singularity is of the form $$ f(x)\sim (x-x_0)^{-k} $$ which proves, a posteriori, that the divergence is indeed polynomial.

It may very well happen that $k$ does not exist. Some examples are $$ \begin{aligned} f(x)&=\mathrm e^{-1/(x-x_0)^a}\\ f(x)&=a\log|x-x_0| \end{aligned} $$ where $k=-\infty$ and $k=0$ respectively. In neither of these cases is the divergence polynomial.

Of course, these examples of $f$ are rather unphysical. In general, you have several physical principles that allow you to restrict the possible functions $f$, and you may sometimes even succeed in proving that $k$ is actually finite (cf. a CFT below). In general terms, it is better to say that the critical exponent $k$ has been observed to be finite for a wide class of theories, and this is confirmed by explicit calculation (numerical or otherwise) in many well-studied examples.

The case of a CFT.

If $\phi_1,\phi_2$ is a pair of primary fields of weight $\Delta_1,\Delta_2$, then conformal invariance implies that the corresponding correlation function is given by $$ \langle\phi_1(x)\phi_2(0)\rangle=\frac{a}{|x_1-x_2|^{\Delta_1+\Delta_2}} $$ in which case the divergence is indeed polynomial. For a proof of this formula, see e.g. 1511.04074, §2.6.

A general QFT, at a critical point, is described by a CFT, and therefore this result is valid for essentially every healthy QFT.

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