[Physics] Why is storage of spent nuclear fuel dangerous


Just what the title states; there's a good deal of noise made about transport, and storage of spent nuclear fuel. Why all the hullabaloo when the fuel is all spent?

Best Answer

Mart's answer gets to some of the problem (e.g. ensuring that storage remains stable for the period of decay) but I believe the other answers here are a bit off base.

Nuclear fuel is determined to be "spent" when the nuclear engineers determine it is no longer economically warranted to continue using it. On a physical sense, the fuel could certainly be used for much longer. Besides, it depends on what kind of reactor you are talking about as to how long the fuel is used and what the composition of the spent fuel is. The plutonium that is such a dangerous part of most used fuel is actually a major contributor to the energy output of a CANDU (Canadian heavy water) reactor toward the end of the useful fuel life.

As for composition of waste, the majority is composed of rather inert U238 (~91%) that did not transmute through neutron capture or fission. This material is part of the original fuel composition and is not harmful. A small percentage (~1%) consists of the remaining U235 that did not transmute or fission. About the same amount is plutonium that results from neutron capture by U238 and subsequent decay. Depending on reactor operation, about 4% is daughter products and the rest is actinides and activation products.

The half-lives of these isotopes varies significantly but it is a convenient fact that the more radioactive a material is, the shorter its halflife and consequently the shorter time before it is "safe." There are many graphs (e.g. see second graph) out there of decay times for spent fuel, but as I said above, the exact time for decay depends on a lot of things like the original composition of the fuel, what kind of reactor was used, and the final processing of the used fuel.

Several options for processing spent fuel exist including recycling it to retrieve the useable uranium and plutonium. Doing so reduces the waste volume considerably but also necessitates the development of separations technologies and the handling of concentrated waste. It is also possible to place the waste in special reactors that are dedicated to "burning" the waste with high neutron flux; even still, there will always be some waste. Waste that is slated for disposal is often vitrified, that is, it is mixed with borated glass. These glass logs are put into steel containers and then stored in concrete.

Whatever is done with the waste, we must be confident in the stability of the storage for at least several hundred years (though thousands of years in some cases). A great deal of research continues on this subject. That being said, the absolute amount of waste is quite small. I've read various numbers, but for order of magnitude we are talking about one football field 20 feet deep of waste for all of the nuclear reactors in the United States for the last 60 years. That is a lot of bad stuff, but in comparison, it seems quite manageable. If we recycled the fuel, that would reduce to about 6 inches of waste spread over one foodball field. Coal plants, in general produce on the order of 10,000 times more waste by volume which contains more radioactive material in absolute terms than nuclear plant waste.