[Physics] Why is potential energy negative when orbiting in a gravitational field

conventionsenergynewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanicspotential energy

I had to do a problem, and part of it was to find the mechanical energy of satellite orbiting around mars, and I had all of the information I needed. I thought the total mechanical energy would be the kinetic energy+ the potential energy, or $KE+PE$. However, I had the answer sheet and it said that I had to do $KE-PE$, because when you integrate $Gm_1m_2/r^2$ you get a negative sign. I can see why it works out mathematically, but I don't understand why you are actually losing energy when orbiting in a gravitational field.

Best Answer

First things first: the total mechanical energy is always kinetic energy plus potential energy. So if your answer sheet actually said $KE - PE$, it's wrong. But what I suspect it really said is that the potential energy is negative, so the formula you wind up with is

$$\underbrace{\frac{1}{2}mv^2}_{KE} \underbrace{- \frac{Gm_1 m_2}{r}}_{PE}$$

Now, the negative sign doesn't mean that you're losing energy. It just means that the amount of energy happens to be less than zero.

Consider this: the formula that works on the Earth's surface, $PE = mgh$, makes sense, right? It seems intuitive that potential energy should get larger as you go higher above Earth, because you have to put energy into something to raise it up, and when it's higher it has more potential to do work by falling. That same principle should hold for the general $1/r$-type formula: the potential energy should get larger the higher you go. But at larger values of $r$, the reciprocal of $r$ gets smaller, which is the wrong trend. The easy fix is to make it negative. And the math works out to support that.