Visible Light – Why Moonlight Is Less Colourful Than Yellow Light


Just what the title states; and this isn't an original question:

On full-moon, moonlight is almost as bright as mid-dawn; yet there is hardly any colour visible. This is not the case with sunlight.

I'm curious to know why this is the case.

Best Answer

Moonlight is not almost as bright as mid-dawn. Moonlight is really fairly low illumination, and human eyes don't detect color well in low illumination.

Moonlight is reflected sunlight. If there's enough of it, it produces color mostly the same way sunlight does. This page, found through a Google search, shows a spectrum of moonlight. All the colors are there. There simply isn't enough moonlight for our eyes to detect color well.


The "dark limit of civil twilight" corresponds to ten times as much luminous power per unit area as a full moon. If you look at the Wikipedia article for what counts as twilight, the pictures there aren't very colorful.