Momentum Conservation – Why Is Momentum Conserved in Inelastic Collisions and Its Relation to Momentum-Impulse Theory


First of all I want to mention, that I've found many questions around this site and in other websites dealing with my question; however, I don't think they answer my question fully. So I am here to re-ask it and specify some things so that whoever will answer it can focus on my ideas and help me understand momentum better.

So here is my question:
Why is momentum conserved in inelastic collisions (perfectly inelastic or just inelastic)?

So here is what I thought about in this question:
I understand that elastic collisions have the K.E conserved but inelastic don't.

So in inelastic if K.E is not conserved then… Wnet=deltaKE (work energy theorm) so here that means that their is work done and a net force acting on the system.

Now from impulse momentum… Ft=deltap (isnt here F not equal zero so the change in momentum not equal zero?)

So basically my confusion comes in the fact that to have a change in momentum their must be a force and time, and the force exists because K.E changes?

I hope you will help me understand this concept more, because I cant seem to wrap my head around it. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Let's call our two colliding objects $A$ and $B$. So object $A$ and object $B$ come together, collide and ricochet away again. The collision may be elastic or inelastic.

You are quite correct that there must be a force acting during the collision, and because the force acts for some time there is an associated change in momentum. Consider just object $A$. If a force $F$ acts on $A$ for a time $t$ then the momentum of $A$ changes by the impulse $Ft$:

$$\Delta p_A = Ft$$

But remember that the force on $A$ is being exerted by $B$ during the collision. And Newton's third law tells us that the force being exerted on $A$ by $B$ must be equal and apposite to the force being exerted on $B$ by $A$. So if the force on $A$ is $F$, then the force on $B$ must be $-F$. Therefore the momentum change of $B$ is:

$$\Delta p_B = -Ft$$

The total momentum change is:

$$ \Delta p_{total} = \Delta p_A + \Delta p_B = Ft - Ft = 0 $$

and that's what conservation of momentum means. It means the total momentum is unchanged. The momenta of the individual objects $A$ and $B$ can and indeed do change, but the total momentum remains constant.

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