[Physics] Why is kinetic energy not conserved during an inelastic collison


Let's assume that we have an isolated system, if two object collide they will both exert equal and opposite forces on each other, they will both exert these forces for the same distance, hence they both did the same amount of work on each other. If $\vec{F}_{net} \cdot \mathrm{d}\vec{x}$ is equal to the change in kinetic energy, therefore both objects will experience the same net force (referring to the fact that this is an isolated system) for the same distance, now with this in mind how is it possible for an inelastic collision to occur if one object gains the same amount of kinetic energy as the other loses that exact same amount?

Best Answer

The law of conservation of energy is about the total energy in the isolated system, not just the kinetic energy.

It is the total kinetic +potential+ radiative energy that is conserved.

For example, one of the balls hitting the other may get stuck on a high shelf. One has to include the gravitational potential energy it acquired when it reached the shelf, in addition to the adhesion energies of molecules that kept it there, or transfer to vibrations of the shelf and all the other energy forms in the discussions above ,plus any loss of energy in radiation due to triboelectric effects.

If one goes in systems where special relativity has to be used, part of the energy can turn into mass.