Quantum Field Theory – Why is Euclidean Time Periodic


I've been reading a bit about finite temperature quantum field theory, and I keep coming across the claim that when one Euclideanizes time
the time dimension becomes periodic, with period related to the inverse temperature $\beta$. Can someone please explain where the periodicity comes from and how we know to identify the period with $\beta$?

Best Answer

I don't think that Wick rotated time $\tau$ is periodic by itself. But it turns out that thermal averages of operators are periodic with respect to the variable $\tau$. Consider a generic time dependent operator $\hat{A}(\tau)$ with the standard time evolution expansion $\hat{A}(\tau) = e^{\hat{H}\tau} \hat{A}(0) e^{-\hat{H}\tau}$ and consider its thermal average $A(\tau) \equiv \hat{\left\langle A (\tau) \right\rangle } = Z^{-1} \mathrm{Tr}[e^{-\beta \hat{H} }\hat{A}(\tau)]$, where $Z$ is the parition function. You can prove rather simply that $A(\tau + \beta) = A(\tau)$ by exploiting firstly the fact that $ e^{-\beta\hat{H}} e^{\beta\hat{H}} = 1$ and secondly the cyclic property of the trace (I'll leave this as an exercise).

However, not all the objects that we are interested in are necessarily periodic. A remarkable example is the Green function at positive time $\tau \geq 0$ $$ G_{kp}(\tau) = - \left\langle \hat{\psi}_k(\tau) \hat{\psi}_p^{\dagger}(0) \right\rangle $$ which is written in terms of time dependent field operators. In fact you can prove that $G_{kp}(\tau+\beta) = \zeta G_{kp}(\tau)$, where $\zeta = +1$ if $\hat{\psi}$ is a bosonic operator, and $\zeta = -1$ if it is fermionic, so that the function is either periodic or antiperiodic.

In conclusion, the (anti)periodicity of functions with respect to euclidean time relies on how you compute thermal averages.

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