[Physics] Why is electric field in an insulator non zero


I had read from several sources that electric field inside a conductor is zero. This is attributed to the fact that the electrons are loosely bound to the nuclei and they are free to rearrange themselves until the net field becomes zero.

But in an insulator the electrons are tightly bound to the nuclei. So they can resist movement even at more intense fields. So net field is not zero.

But my problem is, if there is an electric field in an insulator, then the nuclei create a field in the opposite direction to hold the electrons. So net field becomes zero.

Shouldn't this be a universal condition?

Please explain in as much of a non textbook way possible.

Best Answer

This is a great question! The simplest way in which materials respond to the external field is via dipoles. There may already pre-existing dipoles in the bulk of the insulator that point in random directions. And in the presence of the external field, the dipoles align to oppose it and some new ones may get formed. The amount of new dipoles formed and the ones that are already present depends on the material properties and can be calculated quantum mechanically.

So as a response to the external electric field, the field generated by the dipoles aren’t enough to balance it all out, rather just reduce it. This is because there are bound states of electrons in the system that have no net dipole moment. So these don’t contribute in the reduction of the field.