[Physics] Why is electric field constant at any point due to infinite plane of charge while a finite plane of charge can give the same result


We know that the electric field is constant at any point irrespective of the radius due to a plane sheet of charge of infinite extent and can be proved by Gauss theorem however I don't understand why do we need an infinite length because we can apply the same gauss theorem to a finite length of plane sheet of charge and we get the same result. Also incase of capacitors, the electric field is taken constant even when the sheets are finite.

I have another question which is that the electric field due to an infinite linear charge distribution at any point is inversely proportional to the radius but we can apply the Gauss theorem there too and prove that electric field can be constant at any point irrespective of the radius by drawing a cuboid perpendicular to the linear charge.

Best Answer

Gauss' law relates the total electric flux leaving a closed surface to the charge enclosed in the surface. As you say, the electric field due to an infinite sheet of charge must, by symmetry, be perpendicular to the sheet (if it had a component parallel to the sheet, how could it prefer any direction over any other?). That means that for a cylindrical Gauss volume intersecting the sheet and with axis perpendicular to the sheet, the flux is entirely through the ends, with none through the sides. The enclosed charge is the same regardless of the length of the cylinder, so the flux through the ends must be also. Therefore the electric field is the same at any distance from the sheet.

This argument fails for a finite sheet, because the electric field is in general not perpendicular to the sheet, and so the total flux through the side of the cylinder is not zero.

To apply Gauss' law to an infinite line charge, use a cylinder whose axis coincides with the line. Then, by symmetry, there is no flux through the ends of the cylinder, and the flux per unit area through the tubular part is uniform. As you increase the radius of the cylinder, the enclosed charge is unchanged, so the total flux is unchanged. But the area of the tubular surface is proportional to the radius, so the flux PER UNIT AREA (i.e. the electric field) must be inversely proportional to the radius.