[Physics] Why is effective mass of holes positive

electronsmassquantum mechanicssemiconductor-physicssolid-state-physics

i am trying to understand this.

I know that the effective mass of electrons or holes is calculated as:

$$m^* = \frac{h^2}{(4\pi^2)\frac{d^2E}{dk^2}}$$

Now,if i look at this plot for example:


I can see that for the holes(they should be on the blue part because they belong to the valence band), the absolute value of the curvature $\frac{d^2E}{dk^2}$ is smaller than the one for the electrons(red part). So, because the effective mass is inversely proportional to that curvature, the effective mass of holes should be larger than the electron's one.

I think that is correct, but again, i am considering the absolute value of the curvature, because for the blue part, the curvature is negative, so. Shouldn't the effective mass of holes be negative aswell?

Best Answer

Your equation is considering the effective mass of electrons.

The holes are lack of electrons. To talk about them, we effectively invert the energy axis, i.e. if we compute electron and hole energies with respect to valence band ceiling $E_V=0$, we have:


Then it's straightforward to see that $m^*_e=-m^*_h$ in the same valley.

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