[Physics] Why is current a scalar quantity


Current has both magnitude and direction. As per the definition of vector defined in encyclopedia, current should be a vector quantity. But, we know that current is a scalar quantity. What is the reason behind it?

Best Answer

To be precise, current is not a vector quantity. Although current has a specific direction and magnitude, it does not obey the law of vector addition. Let me show you.

enter image description here

Take a look at the above picture. According to Kirchhoff's current law, the sum of the currents entering the junction should be equal to sum of the currents leaving the junction (no charge accumulation and discharges). So, a current of 10 A leaves the junction.

Now take a look at the picture below.

enter image description here

Here, I have considered current to be a vector quantity. The resultant current is less than that obtained in the previous situation. This result gives us a few implications and I would like to go through some of them. This could take place due to charge accumulation at some parts of the conductor. This could also take place due to charge leakage. In our daily routine, we use materials that are approximately ideal and so these phenomena can be neglected. In this case, the difference in the situations is distinguishable and we cannot neglect it.

If you are not convinced, let me tell you more. In the above description (current as a vector), I have talked about the difference in magnitudes alone. The direction of the resultant current (as shown) is subtle. That's because in practical reality, we do not observe the current flowing along the direction shown above. You may argue that in the presence of the conductor, the electrons are restricted to move along the inside and hence it follows the available path. You may also argue that the electric field inside the conductor will impose a few restrictions. I appreciate the try but what if I remove the conductors? And I also incorporate particle accelerators that say shoot out proton beams thereby, neglecting the presence of an electric field in space.

Let me now consider two proton beams (currents), each carrying a current of 5 A as shown below. These beams are isolated and we shall not include any external influences.

enter image description here

Now that there is no restriction to the flow of protons, the protons meeting at the junction will exchange momentum and this will result in scattering (protons represented by small circles). You would have a situation where two beams give rise to several beams as shown below. Our vector addition law does not say this.

enter image description here

I have represented a few in the picture above. In reality, one will observe a chaotic motion. Representation of the beams (as shown right above) will become a very difficult task because the protons do not follow a fixed path. I have just shown you an unlikely, but a possible situation.

All this clearly tells us that current is not a vector quantity.

Another point I would like to mention is, current cannot be resolved into components unlike other vector quantities. Current flowing in a particular direction will always have an effect along the direction of flow alone over an infinite period of time (excluding external influences such as electric or magnetic fields).