Quantum Mechanics – Why Energy is Greater than Minimum Potential in Bound State

energypotential energyquantum mechanicsschroedinger equation

Griffiths describes bound and scattering states as follows:

Bound state : $E<V(-\infty $) and $V(+\infty $)

Scattering state: $E>V(-\infty)$ or $V(+\infty)$

Why is that Energy for a system should be greater than the minimum potential in bound states and why is it not a restriction in Scattering states?

Best Answer

Bound states correspond to particles that are localised, that is, found in a restricted region of space. In the one dimensional case, you want the probability density to drop to zero rapidly at $x =\pm \infty$ so that the wavefunction is normalisable to $1$.

On the other hand, for scattering states you would have $e^{\pm ikx}$ behaviour with $k$ real, and you cant normalise such states to one on the open real line.

Consider the Schrodinger equation for a one dimensional potential $$ \left( \ \partial^{2}_{x} +k(x)^2 \ \right) \psi(x) =0 \ , $$ with $$k^2(x) = \frac{2m(E-V(x))}{\hbar^2} \ . $$

Lets look at the asymptotic $x \sim \pm \infty$ (that is, large x) solutions of the differential equation. If $E> V(\pm \infty)$ then $k$ is real there and asymptotically the solutions are like the scattering states mentioned above.

For $E<V(\pm\infty)$, $k$ is complex and you can write $k =i\kappa$ to get solutions that behave like $e^{\pm \kappa x}$ asymptotically. These are the bound states (you want to choose the $\pm$ sign for $x = \mp\infty$).

There are probably technicalities to worry about in the above (heuristic) argument, eg if the asymptotic analysis matches smoothly to actual solutions etc. This should work for generic smooth, bounded potentials. You can find details in older books like "Quantum Mechanics" by Messiah or consult texts on properties of second order differential equations.

Here is one interesting exception to the general claim: It IS POSSIBLE to have bound states (normalised to one) embedded among the scattering states (ie when $E> V(\pm \infty)$) if the potential is of the "Von Neumann-Wigner" type: such potentials oscillate indefinitely even as their magnitude vanishes at infinity. An example is discussed in the Quantum Mechanics book by Ballentine. The unusual oscillatory potential traps the particle that you would have expected to escape. As Ballentine says, its a quantum phenomenon without a classical analog in particle mechanics but may be understood in the wave analogy as due to destructive interference.

So the moral probably is this: Generic potentials do indeed have the properties that Griffiths says they do, but one can construct unusual potentials which exploit technical loopholes to evade the folklore theorem.

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