[Physics] Why don’t we have a better telescope than the Hubble Space Telescope


The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched in 1990, more than 20 years ago, but I know that it was supposed to be launched in 1986, 24 years ago. Since it only took 66 years from the fist plane to the first man on the Moon why don't we have a better telescope in space after 24 years?

Best Answer

Money and willpower. With any program (scientific, military, public works, etc.) it all depends on the amount of money someone is willing to put to it, and how much backing and protection that program has from getting money re-prioritized to other projects. You are making a false dichotomy of attempting to present our past actions as a justification for actions we should have been able to take. With the decisions made on many levels (i.e. to fight several wars, cancel various lift vehicle programs, etc.) that just doesn't translate very well. Keep in mind that getting to the moon was all part of the "Space Race" which had many layered motivations, with science perhaps only being a side benefit to the projects.

The James Webb Telescope is the next generation telescope that is due to go up. Although, the JWST is optimized for the infrared spectrum. For visible spectrum telescopes, the most ambitions space based one planned is the Terrestrial Planet Finder. However, the Hubble is still the belle of the ball.

This of course doesn't touch on the ground based observatories we have, some of which are truly spectacular! I want to make a family vacation to Chile just to see some of them!