Electromagnetism – Why Don’t Waves Erase Each Other When Observed on a Wall?


If I stand exactly in front of a colorful wall, I imagine the light waves they emit, and they receive should randomly double or erase out each other.

So as a result, I imagine I should see a weird combination of colors, or a full-black/full-white/very lightly perception of the wall, when all the light waves that the wall receives and emits cancel out each other or double each other.

Why doesn't that actually happen? Any time I look into a wall, I never see the wall "cancel out" of my perception. Same for radio waves. Shouldn't radio waves not work at all? There are so many sources where they could reflect and cancel out or annoy each other…

Best Answer

1) First let us separate colour perception from frequency. Individual frequencies have a color correspondence but the colour the human eye perceives is another story.

2) White light, such as sunlight, is composed of many frequencies.

When the impinging wave hits a wall it can be a) reflected b) absorbed c) scattered incoherently

In order for the light waves to cancel out each other or double each other the photons have to be, within the uncertainty principle, superimposed in time and space. Sometimes it happens, but the probability is small. That is one of the reasons why a reflected beam can never have the same strength as its original beam. If the frequency is the same the probability will be higher than if the frequencies come from a random palette.

This superposition can be achieved with lasers, where there is control of frequency and the beam is coherent, i.e. the phases are preserved upon reflection. A hologram is an example of superposition of same-frequency light to create a three dimensional shape by peaks and dips.

Edit: From a disappeared question the following comment is worth adding:

You can perceive all colours even if only two frequencies are shining on an object. Also in this decade, Land first discovered a two-color system for projecting the entire spectrum of hues with only two colors of projecting light (he later found more specifically that one could achieve the same effect using very narrow bands of 500 nm and 557 nm light).