[Physics] Why don’t photons interact with the Higgs field


Why don’t photons interact with the Higgs field and hence remain massless?

Best Answer

Massless photon

Photons interact with the "Higgs doublet" but they don't interact with the "ordinary" component of the Higgs field whose excitations are the Higgs bosons.

The reason is that the Higgs vacuum expectation value is only nonzero for the component of the Higgs field whose total electric charge, $Q=Y+T_3$ where $Y$ is the hypercharge and $T_3$ is the $z$-component of the $SU(2)_w$ weak isospin gauge group, is equal to zero, i.e. for $Y=\pm 1/2$ and $T_3=\mp 1/2$. That's why the coefficient of the $(h+v) A_\mu A^\mu$ term is zero.

In other words, the vacuum condensate of the Higgs field that fills the space is charged under the weak charges, including the hypercharges and the weak $SU(2)$ charge, but exactly under the right combination of these charges, the electric charge, the condensate is neutral. It would be "bad" if the vacuum carried a nonzero electric charge. It doesn't.

So the $A_\mu A^\mu$ interaction, whose coefficient is proportional to the electric charge of the Higgs field, isn't there. The photon remains massless and the electromagnetic interaction remains a long-range force, dropping as a power law at long distances (instead of the exponential decrease for short-range forces: W-bosons and Z-bosons do interact with the Higgs condensate and they get massive and their forces get short-range).

OPERA anomaly

The OP's question used to have two parts but this second part has been deleted. But I won't delete the answer because the votes and other things may have already reacted to this part as well etc.

Yes, the anomaly of the OPERA neutrino speed measurement has been resolved. First, ICARUS, using directors in the very same cave, measured the speed as well and got $v=c$ within the error margin (the same error margin as OPERA's).


Second, a few months ago, OPERA found out that they had a loosely connected fiber optical cable to a computer card. Using some independent data OPERA recorded, it was possible to determine that the cable error (plus another source of error whose mean value is much smaller) shifts the timing by $73\pm 9$ nanoseconds in the right direction (it's the right direction because the cable problem had delayed some older neutrino-free measurements of the time but was fixed once the neutrinos were being measured), see


so when the error is corrected, the "neutrinos by $60\pm 10$ nanoseconds too fast" become "neutrinos coming $13\pm 15$ nanoseconds after light" which is consistent with $v=c$. Note that relativity with light but massive neutrinos predicts $c-v\sim 10^{-20} c$ for these neutrinos, experimentally indistinguishable from $v=c$.

The spokesman of the experiment and the physics coordinators have already resigned; the spokesman resigned first: before another no-confidence vote but after some preparation votes for the no-confidence vote. It seems that they have known the mistake since December 8th, 2011, but they were hiding it for a few months (it was leaked to Science News by someone else in February) and they wanted to do experiments for additional months, even in May 2012, even though the error has been known to eliminate the anomaly for quite some time. They apparently enjoyed the unjustifiable fame.

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