[Physics] Why don’t high pressure gases stored in containers lose energy


Containers holding gas at a high pressure don't slowly lose the internal energy of the gas. It seems like the high speed particles would collide with the metal walls and slowly transfer their energy to the slower particles outside the container.

Even if the pressure is from more particles in the container, they can do work when released so they have energy. Shouldn't that energy dissipate over time?

Best Answer

Gases in containers at high pressures have those pressures because there are more molecules in them than in the same container at atmospheric pressure, not because there is a difference between the molecular energies. At the same temperature, two containers with different numbers of molecules in them have the same probability distribution of energies.

The pressure difference is owing to the difference between the collision frequencies with the walls in each case, the collision frequency being proportional to the number of molecules.

Question from OP

Even so shouldn't the stored energy dissipate over time? You can let the high pressure gas out to do work so it is stored energy.

Firstly, it seems that you may be confusing temperature with concentration of energy (energy per volume). Temperature is wholly about the probability distribution of a system's particles, not about how much total energy there is. I'll try the following argument to try to show why it is temperature difference between the gas and its surroundings, and not the concentration of energy, that determines whether energy escapes through heat flow, which is the only way it can escape if the bottle is sealed.

Think of things from one particle's standpoint. From time to time it bumps into other gas particles, and also into the thermalized particles that make up the bottle walls. Sometimes these particles will have more energy than our lone particle, sometimes less. But, over the long term, the expected rate of transfer of energy from the particle is nought - that's what we mean, by definition, when we say that the system is at thermodynamic equilibrium. This zero expected rate depends wholly on the probability distributions of the system particle energies, it does not depend on how often the particles collide. If there were only one gas particle in the bottle (so you had a very hard vacuum), its mean kinetic energy would be set by the kinetic energies of the particles making the bottle wall up: it would reach a point where a collision with the wall were equally likely to lose or gain energy. And that expected energy would be the mean energy of the particles in the wall. Energy cannot simply come rushing in because it is more concentrated in the walls, the transfer is governed by stochastic, passive processes.