[Physics] Why don’t atoms emit more than one photon during an energy level transition

atomic-physicsquantum mechanicsquantum-electrodynamicsquantum-optics

If you look at the emission spectrum of an atom, there are sharp lines corresponding to the different energy level transitions. That's because the single photon emitted during each transition carries the entire energy of the transition.

My question is: how does it happen that just a single photon carries all the energy? Why isn't the energy sometimes split among two or more photons?

I understand how the rules of quantum mechanics constrain the energy states of the atom to a discrete set of levels, but I don't understand how they also constrain the number of produced photons to be equal to one.

Best Answer

Two-photon emission does exist, or else the 2s state of hydrogen would be stable. You can get a pretty decent estimate for this kind of rate without any fancy math or physics, just using the energy-time uncertainty principle. The typical rate of emission for a photon, when not forbidden by parity, is $R \sim 10^9\ \text{s}^{-1}$. We can think of the two-photon decay as an energy-nonconserving jump up to some higher-energy state, with the emission of a photon, followed by the emission of a second photon leading down to the ground state. The first jump can happen because of the energy-time uncertainty relation, which allows the electron to stay in the intermediate state for a time t ∼ h/E, which is on the order of $10^{−15}$ s. The probability for the second photon to be emitted within this time is $Rt$, so the rate for the whole two-photon process is $R^ 2 t \sim 10\ \text{s}^{-1}$. Considering the extremely crude nature of this calculation, the result is in good agreement with the observed rate of about $0.1\ \text{s}^{-1}$ for two-photon decay of the 2s state in hydrogen.

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